Sticker removal tips

- 2021-06-11-

1. Removal method of Fengyoujing: Apply Fengyoujing on the sticker, wipe it off with a dry cloth after a moment of penetration, leaving no traces. If there is no wind oil, toothpaste can be used instead, but the effect is slightly less.
2. Hot towel removal method: You can cover it with a hot towel first, and when it is soaked, some stickers can be easily torn off.
3. Hydrogen peroxide removal method: Hydrogen peroxide can soften the hardened viscose. The method of use is to dip a towel in hydrogen peroxide, wipe the sticker, wipe it several times, and it can be peeled off after a minute or so.

4. For ultra-stubborn stickers, you can go to the market to buy a sticker remover. This method is the most thorough and professional.